After having lived in London for the past three years, I’ve walked miles in and around the city, and found that it was a whole different life to the one I’m used to in the countryside at home. Instead of walking outside and seeing trees and grass and hearing the birds, I walk outside and see grey buildings and concrete and hear cars.
Based on the idea of colour association, I wanted to explore the possible connections that the colour of nature has to us. For example, we tend to associate red with anger, yellow with happiness etc. I was intrigued by the idea that; could the reason we feel so calm and at peace amongst nature be because usually we associate the colours blue and green with being relaxed and calm and those are the dominant colours found within nature?
I found a study that was focusing on the idea that even just looking at a photograph of nature can reduce stress levels.
I wanted to find the colour where it isn’t usually obvious and create a book that brings the nature to people. This book is about finding the colour amongst the grey. After doing research into the link between mental health, colour and nature, I wanted to compile a 'book of happiness' made up of the natural colours that I find around London.